License Agreement

By using and/or downloading content from our website, you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood, and accepted the full terms of this License Agreement.


This License Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the licensee ("You" or "Licensee") and the licensor ("", "We" or "Licensor"), collectively referred to as the "Parties." By downloading content ("Asset") from our website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1. Definitions:

(a) "Standard License" refers to the standard set of usage rights granted to the Licensee under this Agreement.

(b) "Extended License" refers to the additional usage rights granted to the Licensee when selected upon purchasing the Asset.

(c) "End Products" refer to goods or services incorporating the Asset and created by or for the Licensee for resale or redistribution.

2. Grant of License:

(a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Licensor grants the Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the Asset, as outlined in the Standard License and/or Extended License provisions below.

3. License Conditions:

(a) Standard License:

The following provisions apply to the use of the Asset under the Standard License:

(i) The Asset is provided for the sole use of either the Licensee or the Licensee's employer, or the Licensee's client.

(ii) The Asset cannot be included in End Products intended for resale or redistribution unless the individual or company who purchases or receives the End Products holds a Standard License.

(iii) The Licensee may physically print the Asset up to 50,000 times.

(iv) There is no limit on the number of times the Licensee may electronically use the Asset.

(b) Extended License:

The following provisions apply to the use of the Asset under the Extended License:

(i) The Asset is provided for use in End Products that are developed by or for the Licensee and intended for resale or redistribution to individuals or companies.

(ii) Each individual or company who purchases or receives the End Product may only use the Asset as part of the materials provided in the End Product.

(iii) The Asset can be used in End Products intended for resale or redistribution, provided the Asset does not form the primary value of the materials being sold.

(iv) The Asset, when used in End Products, must be provided in a non-reusable format to prevent unauthorized extraction, duplication, or manipulation for purposes not permitted under this Agreement.

Explanatory Note: To ensure clarity and by way of example, the Asset should be embedded in web pages or PDF documents rather than provided in easily editable formats like Word documents or PowerPoint presentations, which enable unauthorized copying or repurposing of the Asset.

(v) There is no limit on the number of times the Licensee may physically print the Asset.

(vi) There is no limit on the number of times the Licensee may electronically use the Asset.

4. Permitted Use:

(a) The Asset is licensed solely to the Licensee and cannot be transferred to others, except to the Licensee's employer or the Licensee's client. Any such transfer may only occur once, is permanent, and the transfer is deemed to have occurred when any employee or a person acting on behalf of the Licensee's employer or the Licensee's client uses the Asset.

(b) There is no expiration date on the Licensee's right to use the licensed Asset.

(c) The Licensee may use any Asset with a watermark at no charge in draft layouts for up to 30 days.

5. Prohibited Use:

(a) The Asset is licensed solely to the Licensee and cannot be transferred to others, except in accordance with clause 4(a).

(b) The Asset cannot be redistributed or resold as a stand-alone product or as part of a digital template.

(c) Any Asset with a watermark may not be used in any End Product or content that is accessible by, or distributed to, the public.

(d) The Asset cannot be used in any:

(i) pornographic, obscene or libellous content

(ii) logo or trademark, or

(iii) digital templates.

6. General:

(a) The Asset is provided to the Licensee on a non-exclusive basis, meaning the Licensor can license it to other parties.

7. Termination:

(a) This Agreement shall be terminated upon the Licensee breaching any provision of this Agreement. Upon termination, the Licensee must immediately stop using the Asset and destroy all copies in its possession or control.

8. Governing Law:

(a) This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Licensor's business headquarters is located, without giving effect to its conflict of laws principles.