
License Conditions

All digital files downloaded from our website are referred to as assets and are covered by either our Standard License or our Extended License, which you select when purchasing the asset. 

The Standard Licence covers all files downloaded from our website.  The Extended License provides additional rights and is generally suited to consultants who wish to use our content in end products (i.e. such as a training course) that will be resold to multiple clients.

By using or downloading content from our website you accept the full terms of our License Agreement, which can be found here.

Below is a useful guide of some of the terms relevant to the Standard and Extended Licences.

1. Standard License

  • The asset is provided for the sole use of either you, or your employer, or your client (i.e. if you purchase the asset on behalf of your employer or client).
  • The asset cannot be included in end products or goods or services that are to be used for resale or redistribution, except if the purchaser of the materials holds a Standard License (i.e. if you purchase the asset on behalf of your client or they purchase it directly).
  • You can physically print the asset 50,000 times. 
  • There is no limit on the number of times you electronically use the asset.

2. Extended License

  • The asset is provided for use in end products (such as a training course) that are developed to be resold to multiple clients.
  • Each client who purchases the end product may only use the asset as part of the end product you provide them.
  • The asset can be used in end products and goods and services that are to be used for resale or redistribution as long as it does not form the primary value of the materials to be sold (i.e. the asset is an image in an online training course, mobile app, booklet that is supported by other materials). 
  • The asset, when integrated into other materials, cannot be provided in a reusable state (i.e. it is delivered as part of a web page or a pdf document, as opposed to a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation where it can be easily extracted or copied for other uses not allowed by our license).
  • There is no limit on how many times you physically print the asset.
  • There is no limit on the number of times you electronically use the asset.

3. What is allowed?

  • There is no expiration date on your right to use the licensed asset.
  • You can use any asset from our website that has a watermark on it, at no charge, for developing draft layouts for a period of 30 days.

4. What is not allowed?

  •  The asset is licensed solely to you and is not transferable to others, except to either your employer or your client (i.e. if you purchase the content on behalf of your employer or client).
  • The asset cannot be redistributed or resold as a stand-alone product (i.e. on a stock image website) or as part of a digital template.
  • Watermarked assets cannot be used in any end products or in any publicly available content.
  • The asset cannot be used in (a) pornographic, obscene or libelous content (b) any logo or trademark (c) any electronic templates.

5. General:

  • The asset is provided to you for use on a non-exclusive basis (i.e. we can license it to other people to use).